LGC Conservation Projects

Bluebirds of Happiness Program
We are happy to announce our first 9 bluebird nesting boxes will be installed in the Spring of 2020 at the Tapping Reeve Meadow in Litchfield. This is a wonderful example of collaboration between various organizations in our town - Litchfield Garden Club, The Litchfield Historical Society and Sharon Audubon, all working together to create habitats for wildlife. If you have an open area of land in Litchfield, bordered by trees/hedges and wish to participate in this program, please contact The Litchfield Garden Club.
The bluebird nesting boxes will be in put in place at the Tapping Reeve meadow in three groups, with three boxes in each group. This ensures that there will be room for other birds to nest, as well as the bluebirds, and this nesting box grouping allows ‘neighboring’, a way for each bird family to guard the nests for each other as the parents go out foraging for food.
Click HERE for more information/article.
We are happy to announce our first 9 bluebird nesting boxes will be installed in the Spring of 2020 at the Tapping Reeve Meadow in Litchfield. This is a wonderful example of collaboration between various organizations in our town - Litchfield Garden Club, The Litchfield Historical Society and Sharon Audubon, all working together to create habitats for wildlife. If you have an open area of land in Litchfield, bordered by trees/hedges and wish to participate in this program, please contact The Litchfield Garden Club.
The bluebird nesting boxes will be in put in place at the Tapping Reeve meadow in three groups, with three boxes in each group. This ensures that there will be room for other birds to nest, as well as the bluebirds, and this nesting box grouping allows ‘neighboring’, a way for each bird family to guard the nests for each other as the parents go out foraging for food.
Click HERE for more information/article.
New Pollinator Garden Program at White Memorial
Our first two Spring plantings at the new pollinator garden at White Memorial will be cedar trees for owl nestings and underplanting beneath existing trees for small animal habitats.
Seven red cedar trees will be planted in a group as a future nesting site for owls. Once the trees have matured after a couple of years and grown taller, the tops of the trees will be cut so that the branches will intermingle and grow into each other, creating a perfect nesting site for owls.
We will underplant natives species beneath the existing black cherry trees to provide food and cover for small animals. Read more about the history of the Pollinator Garden.
Our first two Spring plantings at the new pollinator garden at White Memorial will be cedar trees for owl nestings and underplanting beneath existing trees for small animal habitats.
Seven red cedar trees will be planted in a group as a future nesting site for owls. Once the trees have matured after a couple of years and grown taller, the tops of the trees will be cut so that the branches will intermingle and grow into each other, creating a perfect nesting site for owls.
We will underplant natives species beneath the existing black cherry trees to provide food and cover for small animals. Read more about the history of the Pollinator Garden.
The Litchfield Garden Club, Inc. ~ PO Box 848 ~ Litchfield, CT 06759
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Copyright © The Litchfield Garden Club, Inc, 2016 All rights reserved